Teddy's Project (Padang)

Padang is the capital and largest city of West Sumatra, Indonesia. It is located on the western coast of Sumatra. It has an area of 694.96 square kilometres (268.33 sq mil) and a population of over 833,000 people at the 2010 Census.
Padang is divided into 11 subdistricts (kecamatan): Bungus Teluk Kabung, Koto Tangah, Kuranji, Lubuk Begalung, Lubuk Kilangan, Nanggalo, Padang Barat, Padang Selatan, Padang Timur, Padang Utara, Pauh

The city is served by the newly-opened Minangkabau International Airport in Ketaping, Padang Pariaman. It replaced the old Tabing Airport. Tabing Airport now is used as military base. Padang's Teluk Bayur harbor is the largest and busiest harbor on the west coast of Sumatra.

Andalas University is the oldest university in Indonesia outside of Java. The main campus is located at Limau Manis, about 12 kilometres (7.5 mi) from the center of Padang. The other universities in Padang are Universitas Negeri Padang in Air Tawar, Bung Hatta University in Ulak Karang, Baiturrahmah University in Air Pacah, Universitas Putra Indonesia YPTK, Ekasakti University, Universitas Muhammadiyah Sumatera Barat and Tamansiswa University.

Padang features a tropical rainforest climate under Koppen’s climate classification. Padang is one of Indonesia’s wettest cities, with frequent rainfall throughout the course of the year. The city averages roughly 4300 mm of rain per year. Padang’s driest month is February, where 250 mm of precipitation on average is observed. The city temperatures are relatively constant throughout the year, with an average of 26 degrees Celsius.

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